15 facts about Oprah Winfrey

Some facts about Oprah you might know, here i bring it to you my special readers and followers
1. She has five dogs: cocker spaniel Sadie, golden retrievers Luke and Layla, and springer spaniels Sunny and Lauren.

2. She actually wears glasses!

3. She launched Dr. Phil’s TV career.

4. She launched Dr. Oz’s TV career.

5. She didn’t have children, but she got pregnant and lost a baby at 14.

6. She was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and helped bring the issue more public attention through her show and legislation.

7. Her decision not to have children was because, she said, “something [in my life] would have had to suffer and it probably would’ve been them.”

8. She’s North America’s only black billionaire.

9. Oprah’s name was supposed to be Orpah, but it was misspelled on her birth certificate.
10. Oprah is the first African-American star to be on the cover of Vogue.

11. She once competed in Miss Black America.

12. She appeared on “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” and interviewed the whole family.

13. 50 Cent named his dog after her, and his cat after her best friend, Gayle.

14. She revealed that she had a half-sister, Patricia, in 2011.
15. She celebrated her 51st birthday by getting her ears pierced.

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