7 soft landing tips to launch you into 2017


1. In 2017 use more of your brain power (Soft work) than might

It is widely believed that most black people are synonymous with using more of their might than the brainpower but in 2017 let the reverse be the case. In our world of today those using more of their might to solve daily challenges are less valued compared to those who uses their brain might (Soft work). It is also believed that strength is readily available to all but the proper articulation and usage of the brain might is not available.



  1. In 2017 embrace only healthy relationships

There’s nothing that weigh a man down emotionally and psychologically than an unhealthy relationship, its either you fix it or you quit! Starting a new year with an unresolved baggage’s is not the ideal way to kick start a brand new year so once again “If you can’t resolve it quit it! And in working relationships click with people who understand your vision and plan of action and try to keep your detractors abased.



  1. In 2017 be receptive to knowledge

In the year 2017 make yourself teachable and learn-able, no man is an island of knowledge. Learn from new things from daily experiences, books, media, and enemy, superior, minor, friends and relatives and a big bye to your ego.



  1. In 2017 Be a Responsible person

Push the frontiers of incompetence; try hard to be competent and responsible. Accept faults and reduce the blame games. And for the young bachelors still playing games around get serious with a lady and be responsible, I’m talking to you too young spinsters playing games too. Take full ownership of whatever responsibility being given to you whether big or small.


  1. In 2017 be ready for opportunities

Learn to always look beyond your nose in 2017. Opportunities comes sometimes in the most unattractive outlook, remember the brain behind the mobile toilet in Nigeria (may his soul rest in peace)? This man made a fortune from human waste and passed it to his generation, funny enough his business slogan is “Sh*t na money”.


  1. In 2017 appeal to people’s needs

The quickest and the surest way to get people do something for you is when you appeal to their need, quit that beggarly lifestyle and appeal to people’s needs to get something. For example just this year Mark Angel became a hit, he only appealed to people’s needs with his visual comedy and people in turn gave him back what he needed “Money and Fame”.


  1. In 2017 avoid parasites

Try to separate people who are Parasitic in nature from the Symbiotic (Those who you benefit from and they as well benefit from you) ones. Simply embrace the symbiotic folks and stay far from the parasitic ones, and try not to be a parasite to no one.



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