Sylvester Stallone “The struggle and Rise” (Rocky)



Remember the super classic movie “Rocky”, starring Sylvester Stallone as the main cast ?

If you are a lover of classic movies I’m sure you do would have seen the movie before, well there’s to that movie than the story entails. The movie became Sylvester Stallone breakthrough into Hollywood, but note that wasn’t his first movie but his first major cast as an actor. Join me as I briefly take you on a journey ride of genesis of Sylvester Stallone break into the limelight through the movie “Rocky”, I hope this would stair up someone out there into greatness.

At the beginning

Sylvester Stallone had it pretty rough in life as a young adult; he came to Hollywood to pursue his passion as a young man. He started as a young struggling actor, fighting for each little movie roles he got.  He was once rejected a movie role he so wanted, but he persisted on getting it. He went as far as sleeping by the door of the director just to proof to the director how much he wanted that minor movie role.  The movie director got really touched by Sylvester’s drive and passion and at the end he got it, the never say die spirit in Sylvester Stallone is what I admired the most in him. Sylvester didn’t stop there he went on struggling as a young man, as the course of his struggles his beloved girlfriend left him. He felt devastated, leaving him only with his dog which became his closet companion as time went on. Sylvester Stallone fed from hand to mouth living each day with hope of a better tomorrow. Stealing, cheating or staying idle was never an option to him instead he pressed harder towards becoming the man he has always dreamt of being.


The Genesis of the Break

This was how it all began….. Sylvester Stallone got inspire after watching a boxing fight on TV because at that time I’m sure wouldn’t be able to afford a ticket to a major live boxing match. So he picked up his pen and started writing a movie script, he sat down writing for many hours, never stopped until he finished what is soon to be the world’s renowned masterpiece The movie “Rocky”, script. After completing the script he presented it to one of Hollywood’s huge movie studios, the movie studio liked it and offered Sylvester Stallone hundred bucks of dollars for the script. A hundred bucks of dollars for totally broke dude he hardly feed himself and pay bills wow! But guess what? He turned it down and gave them his own conditions for the script to be released to them.  Sylvester Stallone emphatically asked the movie company to make him the main cast of his own story, the request sounded weird and funny to them. The movie company told Sylvester Stallone that it’s not going to be possible, that they prefer to use an established actor for the major character not a rookie like Sylvester Stallone got inspire. The movie company laughed it off and offered to increase the earlier price offered way higher to convince him to change his mind but Sylvester Stallone turned the offer down and left. After the meeting with the movie company Sylvester Stallone went even more broke that he has to sell his best friend “his dog” just to feed. That was the most devastating moment of his life, he felt as though the world should just come crashing on him.


The Break

“But come to think of it, if it were many out there the fact that he was hungry and broke would make him sell the movie script at that mouthwatering price. Many out there would do otherwise, hungry or poverty isn’t enough excuse to lose your dignity and insanity.”


Few weeks later after selling his dog to feed, the movie company called Sylvester Stallone for talks. He went for the meeting with the movie company and at the course of the meeting they reluctantly accepted to stare Sylvester Stallone got as the main cast of the movie but would offer just peanuts for his pay. Sylvester Stallone gladly accepted the deal; he got paid and went straight to the place he sold his dog to buy him back. For weeks he couldn’t find the person he sold the dog to, but his never say die spirit still pushed to keep on searching for his best friend. Finally he found the dog and the man he sold the dog to, he was so excited to see his dog again, the dog wagged his tail sighting his original owner. Sylvester Stallone immediately offered to buy back his dog but the man refused and told Sylvester Stallone that the dog is now his and there’s nothing he could do about it. Sylvester Stallone narrated the whole deal to him, how he got to the position of selling the dog and the movie script, then the man offered a deal. He offered to sell the dog back to Sylvester Stallone for thousands of dollars (a dog he bought from Sylvester Stallone about a hundred dollar) and a role in the movie “Rocky”, Sylvester Stallone agreed to the deal and got his best friend back.

After his first major movie Sylvester Stallone got his break in the movie industry because he stood by what he believed. He could have accepted the mouthwatering offer and maybe misuse it and his dreams would be left unfulfilled. He was broke, shattered and hungry but he never allowed any of this to determine course his should follow, he stood strong and got the ultimate prize. So to my struggling brothers and sisters or you out there still hoping for a better day, don’t give up, continue doing that very thing that adds value to people, and embrace the “never say die spirit of Sylvester Stallone, you will be noticed and get rewarded someday.

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