WoW ! Jay Z hints their fans that Beyonce is Pregnant

Jay Z has finally dropped the bombshell pulling out all doubts and speculations, the celebrity couples were performing in a Paris France tour when Jay Jigger dropped the news of them expecting their second child. TMZ reports…

Jay Z may have dropped a HUGE pregnancy bombshell re: Beyonce during their concert Friday in Paris … alternatively he’s trying to drum up more
publicity for their tour.The first couple of hip hop were in France for their “On the Run” tour and during Hova’s song “Beach is Better” he changed one key lyric that has the internet stirring.

According to an Instagram video which first appeared on Vibe — we tried our best to hear for ourselves but it’s tough — Jay Z allegedly says “pregnant with another one” instead of “I replace it with another one. “Wonder if Aunt Solange will be in the delivery room.

WoW ! It’s HerexG