WoW ! My Place of Solace is Gone

Inside my mother’s womb I find solace
I swim from one corner to the other
With liberty and freedom
No hunger, no pains and no sorrow
A place of immeasurable peace, oh what a home !

It is a natural apartment occupied by me and my tiny microbes friends that works tirelessly for me, yes this is priceless

To be candid i was having a time of my life not until I got displaced out of the only home I know, My mother’s womb
I was ejected and forced out

For the very first time I was exposed to the outside world, leaving my warmth and comfort zone to reside here

I came out totally against my wish and just as I was about opening my eyes I suddenly felt a strange feelings which I never felt before

Floods of glimmering lights welled my very fragile eyes, my reaction to this was to raise up my tiny voice and close my eyes , I cried….

Where I’m I ?

How did I find myself here ?

Why was I displaced out of my palace and now brought into a world of uncertainty

A place where the light from the daylight scours and pickles my fragile eyes

A place where moving and invisible air fastens cold into my skin at night and the rays of the sun heats me up at daylight

A place my movement is at the mercy of these people, all giving me funny faces and I will be like ” what’s up with these people” they carry me to places of their choice at will

A place where all living things even to the tiniest spec all exist for one thing “Dominance of the food chain ”

When they are asleep, my eyes are opened and when they are awake I fall asleep, oh it is my world against theirs

The only consolation I get is sucking on my mother’s breast, that is the sweetest thing that has happened to me here.

But aggravating me the more is when I see this other creature who most times sleep by my mother sucking it too

Oh ! Can somebody please take me back to my home, my sweet mother’s womb, a place of my absolute solace

By HerexG