The Phases of Creation


The world we all live in today is one gigantic dynamic place, where things are created in a flash e.g the light and the human mind. The nature of the world turned it into a c creation field a place where creation and recreation manifest itself. Now talking about creation , everything in life, everything your eyes can see today were all created twice.

1. The Mental/Spiritual Creation
2. The Physical Creation

The Mental/Spiritual Creation: The mind is the birth place of creation,  everything created in this world must first linger in someone’s mind first. At this stage is an unseen factor lingering in the mind with a kind of force that propels it to it next stage of manifestation. The world we are today must have lingered in a sound mind somewhere somehow for that mind to bring forth the creation of the world. For example I implanted this in my mind , that why I can pour it out, my pouring it out would lead us to the next stage of creation. At this stage of creation is the lazy man without will power stop, they seek refuge in their delusional mind.

The Physical Creation :  This is the process where thoughts of the mind are manifested into deeds or action, I can see a boiled yam and a fried egg in my mind , if I don’t go to get a yam cut it, peel it, boiled and then get the egg processed and fried that food will forever linger in my mind without it manifesting. Action is the actualization of creation.